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Student Conduct
Massage therapy, medical assisting, and medical office administration are some of the fastest growing professions in the health care field.
Gwinnett College is career oriented and students are expected to act as professionals.
Professionalism implies compliance to all the rules and regulations of the Institute and showing respect to the
staff, faculty, fellow students, and clients of the public clinic. The professional manner students should adhere to:
A school dress code will apply for all classes, student massage clinic, and community events.
Classes. Students are requested to dress comfortable yet remain respectable.
Clinic and Community Events. The TMAS scrubs will be worn when working in the clinic and for all community events.
White shoes are required, sneakers are acceptable.
In accordance with North Carolina Massage Board regulations, massage therapy students working in the student clinic or at community events
are not allowed to accept tips for services performed.
The use or consumption of illegal drugs or alcohol on school premises, or attending class under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol is prohibited.
This may be used as grounds for disciplinary measures.
Smoking or tobacco use on school premises, including the front steps and walkway used by the public, is prohibited.
Smoking is permitted in designated areas.
Cigarette butts should be extinguished and disposed of properly.
Please avoid the smell of tobacco use on your breath, clothing or body by using appropriate products.
No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Squeeze cups and bottles of water will be permitted.
Gwinnett College does not provide secured storage for students' possessions.
Gwinnett College does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged personal property.
Students are responsible for damage to school property due to misuse or neglect.
Students should take personal responsibility in the area of personal hygiene and grooming while at school.
We recommend that you limit or eliminate the use of cologne or perfume during classes and clinic.
It is the policy of Gwinnett College to maintain an environment free from all forms of sexual harassment toward fellow associates or students.
Therefore, sexual harassment in any form by any student or staff member is expressly prohibited.
Academic or non-academic dishonesty and/or misconduct will result in disciplinary action.
Each student enrolled in a bodywork class must be covered by Student Malpractice Insurance. A premium will be collected from each student.