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Below is a list of courses and course descriptions offered at Gwinnett College.
CS 102-INTRODUCTION TO PCs: 3 credits. Prerequi¬site: None. This course will introduce the student to the essential concepts of computer hardware and software; basic concepts of Windows and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The student will use hands-on applications to apply concepts learned.CS 201-MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD:1.50 credits. Prerequisite: CS 102. Reviews Windows fundamentals and trains in the fundamentals of the Microsoft Office family specifically including Microsoft Word applications.
CS 204-MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD/EXCEL: 3 credits. Prerequisite: CS 102. Reviews Windows fundamentals and trains in the fundamentals of the Microsoft Office family including Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel applications.
EN 111-COLLEGE ENGLISH: 4.5 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course will give students a thorough review of basic sentence fundamentals, punctuation, mechanics, and grammar. Spelling and the Five C’s of Good Business Writing will also be included.PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE THERAPY STUDIES
MG 111-SWEDISH MASSAGE - TORSO: 1.35 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. The Swedish torso module will prepare the student to do Swedish massage on the torso, reviewing body mechanics, draping, endangerment sites, bony landmarks, indications, and contraindications of the torso. Students will practice incorporating what they learn into the basic full-body Swedish massage they learned in Foundations.MG 112-SWEDISH MASSAGE - UPPER EXTREMITIES: 1.12 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This component will prepare the student to do upper extremity Swedish massage, with knowledge of bony landmarks and endangerment sites, indications, contraindications, and draping of the upper extremity. Students will practice incorporating what they learn into the basic full-body Swedish massage they learned in Foundations.
MG 113-SWEDISH MASSAGE - LOWER EXTREMITIES: 1.12 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. The Lower Extremity (LE) module will prepare the student to do Swedish massage of the lower extremity with full knowledge of bony landmarks, endangerment sites, indications, contraindications, and draping of the lower extremity. Students will practice incorporating what they learn into the basic full-body Swedish massage they learned in Foundations.
MG 114-SWEDISH MASSAGE - HEAD, FACE, & NECK: .67 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. Head, Face and Neck (HFN) will prepare the student to do a HFN massage with knowledge of bony landmarks, endangerment sites, indications, contraindications, and draping of the HFN. Students will also study the history of massage. Students will practice incorporating what they learn into the basic full-body Swedish massage they learned in Foundations.
MG 115-INTEGRATION/ASSESSMENT: 1.5 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. Allow student therapists to review common musculoskeletal conditions that are frequently encountered in clinical practice. Allow student therapists to practice developing treatment plans, applying massage skills and practice clinical skills they have learned in an integrated manner.
MG 121-ANATOMY - TORSO: 1.25 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This anatomy course is designed to provide the student with structural knowledge of the Torso. The bones, bony landmarks and muscles of the torso will be listed and palpated. The torso muscles are examined, specifically their origin, insertion, actions and stretches. This course provides the foundation for other course such as, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and Trigger Point.
MG 122-ANATOMY - UPPER EXTREMETIES: 1.25 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This anatomy course is designed to provide the student with structural knowledge of the Upper Extremities. The bones, bony landmarks and muscles of the upper extremity will be listed and palpated. The upper extremity muscles are examined, specifically their origin, insertion, actions and stretches. This course provides the foundation for other course such as, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and Trigger Point.
MG 123- ANATOMY - LOWER EXTREMETIES: 1.25 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This anatomy course is designed to provide the student with structural knowledge of the Lower Extremities. The bones, bony landmarks and muscles of the lower extremity will be listed and palpated. The lower extremity muscles are examined, specifically their origin, insertion, actions and stretches. This course provides the foundation for other course such as, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and Trigger Point.
MG 124- ANATOMY - HEAD, FACE, & NECK: 1.25 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This anatomy course is designed to provide the student with structural knowledge of the head, face and neck. The bones, bony landmarks and muscles of the head, face and neck will be listed and palpated. The head, face and neck muscles are examined, specifically their origin, insertion, actions and stretches. This course provides the foundation for other course such as, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and Trigger Point.
MG 131-CHAIR MASSAGE: 1.8 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This course offers theory, practical techniques, and business principles designed for seated massage. The course will approach the application of seated massage from three vantage points: as a relaxation tool, as a marketing tool, and as a therapeutic tool. The student is expected to have a basic knowledge of the anatomy of the muscular and skeletal systems and be able to identify the attachments of the superficial muscles.
MG 133-CPR & FIRST AID: .3 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. The goal of this course is to give the students a basic level of knowledge in first aid and CPR. The course provides the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary in an emergency situation to call for help, to keep someone alive, to reduce pain, and to minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until professional medical help arrives.
MG 134-MERIDIAN THEORY: 2.7 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This class will provide an overview of the 12 main Meridians and 2 extra Meridians, as well as developing an understanding of: 5 Element Theory; Qi Theory, Yin and Yang Theory and energetics/indications for important Acupuncture points.
MG 141-MEDICAL MODALITIES - TREATMENTS: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. An introduction to the adjunctive therapies of massage that includes theory, benefits, and contraindications of their usage in the practice of therapeutic massage. These therapies will include hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, thermotherapy, electrotherapy, and discussion of stress reduction therapies such as meditation, yoga, biofeedback, etc. Also, there will be a brief introduction to pregnancy massage benefits and contraindications.
MG 142-MEDICAL MODALITIES - DOCUMENTATION: .55 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This course will provide the students with how to properly document client information relevant to their care and practice.
MG 161-DEEP TISSUE – TORSO: .9 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. In this component, the student will learn the intention, application and effects of Deep Tissue Massage for the Torso region. Primary focus will be on palpation, sensitivity and fine motor skills.
MG 162-DEEP TISSUE – UPPER EXTREMITIES: 1.12 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. In this component, the student will learn the intention, application and effects of Deep Tissue Massage for the upper extremities (UE) region. Primary focus will be on palpation, sensitivity and fine motor skills.
MG 163-DEEP TISSUE – LOWER EXTREMITIES: 1.35 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. In this component, the student will learn the intention, application and effects of Deep Tissue Massage for the lower extremities (LE) region. Primary focus will be on palpation, sensitivity and fine motor skills.
MG 164-DEEP TISSUE – HEAD, FACE, & NECK: .9 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. In this component, the student will learn the intention, application and effects of Deep Tissue Massage for the Head, Face & Neck (HFN) region. Primary focus will be on palpation, sensitivity and fine motor skills.
MG 200 – Intro to NMT: 1.8 credits. Prerequisite: MG 111- 114 , 121- 124, 161-164, OR 101 & 102, and one of the following MG 261- 264 and one from SM 201- 203 completed or substantially completed with Campus Director and/or President approval. This course includes lectures, which review anatomy and related physiology, using PowerPoint, anatomical models and other media for comprehension of information. Techniques are demonstrated in a step-by-step fashion, and video is employed to enhance visual learning. Demonstrations and lectures are followed by hands-on practice by students with instructor supervision. Clinical information is incorporated regarding NMT in practice and various approaches to clinical conditions.
MG 203-REFLEXOLOGY: 2.4 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This course introduces the beneficial uses of Reflexology in the practice of massage therapy. The student will learn a systematic treatment routine for influencing the energy pathways for the nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. This course will provide the foundation of knowledge that will enable the graduate therapist to utilize the practical, scientific and clinical information presented in their massage practice.
MG 211-INTEGRATION/CASE MANAGEMENT: 1.5 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. Allow student therapists to review common musculoskeletal conditions that are frequently encountered in clinical practice. Allow student therapists to practice developing treatment plans, applying massage skills and practice clinical skills they have learned in an integrated manner.
MG 231- PHYSIOLOGY – THE ENDOCRINE, VASCULAR, AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This class explores the structure and function of the human body in a system- by -system approach. This course will cover, the senses, the Endocrine System, the blood and heart, the Vascular System and the Respiratory System. The foundations of this course will carry over into every aspect of massage therapy and the students continued studies.
MG 232- PHYSIOLOGY – THE INTEGUMENTARY, MUSCULOSKELETAL, AND NERVOUS SYSTEMS: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This class explores the structure and function of the human body in a system- by -system approach. This course will cover, Cells, Tissues and Membranes, the Integumentary System, the Skeletal System, the Muscular System and the Nervous System. The foundations of this course will carry over into every aspect of massage therapy and the students continued studies.
MG 233-PHYSIOLOGY - THE LYMPHATIC, URINARY, DIGESTIVE, AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This class explores the structure and function of the human body in a system- by -system approach. This course will cover, the Lymphatic System, the Urinary System, the Digestive System, metabolism, fluid – electrolyte and acid – base balance and the Reproductive System. The foundations of this course will carry over into every aspect of massage therapy and the students continued studies.
MG 241-CLINICAL PATHOLOGY – INTEGUMENTARY AND MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEMS: .9 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. Massage therapy often has profound effect upon the process of disease and the promotion of homeostasis with the human system. The study of disease (pathology) and the study of functional or physiological changes in the body that result from various disease processes (pathophysiology) must be understood in order for a massage therapist can best help their client. This course will introduce: various diseases of each biological system; signs and symptoms of each pathology; and the benefits or contraindications for massage therapy.
MG 242-CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - NERVOUS, CIRCULATORY, RESPIRATORY, DIGESTIVE, AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. Massage therapy often has profound effect upon the process of disease and the promotion of homeostasis with the human system. The study of disease (pathology) and the study of functional or physiological changes in the body that result from various disease processes (pathophysiology) must be understood in order for a massage therapist can best help their client. This course will introduce: various diseases of each biological system; signs and symptoms of each pathology; and the benefits or contraindications for massage therapy.
MG 251-CLINIC PRACTICUM: .65 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This course is designed to assist the student in developing their hands-on skills in massage therapy as well as their paperwork skills. The student is expected to complete 13 hours of massage, complete client history and SOAP notes for each session held. Follow office decorum, answering phones, completing files, and filing will be practiced.
MG 252- CLINIC PRACTICUM: .65 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This course is designed to assist the student in developing their hands-on skills in massage therapy as well as their paperwork skills. The student is expected to complete 13 hours of massage, complete client history and SOAP notes for each session held. Follow office decorum, answering phones, completing files, and filing will be practiced.
MG 253- CLINIC PRACTICUM: .7 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This course is designed to assist the student in developing their hands-on skills in massage therapy as well as their paperwork skills. The student is expected to complete 14 hours of massage, complete client history and SOAP notes for each session held. Follow office decorum, answering phones, completing files, and filing will be practiced.
MG 254- CLINIC PRACTICUM: .7 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. This course is designed to assist the student in developing their hands-on skills in massage therapy as well as their paperwork skills. The student is expected to complete 14 hours of massage, complete client history and SOAP notes for each session held. Follow office decorum, answering phones, completing files, filing will be practiced.
MG 260- Exam Review: 1.6 credits. This course prepares the student to take the National Certification Exam (NCE) and the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) for massage therapists. The course covers the various subjects by reviewing sample questions and answers. Students who find that they need a more in-depth review, may use the text material.
MG 261-TRIGGER POINT – TORSO: 1.25 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. The Torso Module will prepare students to treat dysfunctions of the torso. The class will include muscular anatomy, being able to identify and treat trigger points, recognizing differential diagnoses and prevention of trigger points in the back, abdomen and chest. Each class will consist of both lecture and hands on practice.
MG 262-TRIGGER POINT – UPPER EXTREMITIES: 1.25 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. The Upper Extremity Module will prepare students to treat dysfunctions of the arms. The class will include muscular anatomy, being able to identify and treat trigger points, recognizing differential diagnoses and prevention of trigger points in the upper extremities. Each class will consist of both lecture and hands on practice.
MG 263-TRIGGER POINT – LOWER EXTREMITIES: 2.75credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. The Lower Extremity Module will prepare students to treat dysfunctions of the legs. The class will include muscular anatomy, being able to identify and treat trigger points, recognizing differential diagnoses and prevention of trigger points in the lower extremities. Each class will consist of both lecture and hands on practice.
MG 264-TRIGGER POINT – HEAD, FACE, & NECK: 1.75 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. The Head, Face and Neck Module will prepare students to treat dysfunctions of the head, face and cervical regions. The class will include muscular anatomy, being able to identify and treat trigger points, recognizing differential diagnoses and prevention of trigger points in the head, face and neck. Each class will consist of both lecture and hands on practice.
OP 231-Complimentary Modality Overview: 1.35 credits. Prerequisite: OR 201. The Overview course consists of a series of 6 classes designed to cover material pertinent to passing the national exams. These classes introduce important terms and concepts relating to bodywork techniques that are not part of the school curriculum at Gwinnett College.
MT 103-BUSINESS MATH: 3 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course will give the student a review of basic mathematical operations and their application to business activities. Developing knowledge and skill in the use of electronic ten-key calculators is included.MEDICAL STUDIES
MS 101-MEDICAL LAW & ETHICS: 2 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course is designed to provide information on the medical assistant's legal and ethical responsibilities as it relates to litigation, the office environment, patient relations and jurisprudence.MS 102-MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: 3 credits. Prerequisite: None. Emphasis is placed on root words, common medical abbreviations, symbols, and prefixes/suffixes.
MS 103-PHARMACOLOGY: 4 credits. Prerequisite: MT 103. Introduction to drug administration, use of Physician's Desk Reference, drug classifications, and the actions and adverse effects on body systems.
MS 104-MEDICAL BOOKKEEPING: 3 credits. Prerequisite: CS 102. Basic bookkeeping is studied including manual and computerized systems. Emphasis is placed on practical applications of patient scheduling, billing, and record- keeping.
MS 105-MEDICAL LAB PROCEDURES I: 3 credits. Prerequisite: None. Triage skills (vital signs, patient interviewing and preparations), OB/GYN assistance, care of the infant child, infection control and barrier precautions are studied. Minimum grade of “C” or better needed to exit this course.
MS 107-FIRST AID & CPR: 1.5 credits. Prerequisite: None. The student will learn to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on adults, infants and children, and minor medical office first aid procedures. Upon successful completion, the student will have the skills to be certified in CPR. Minimum grade of “C” or better needed to exit this course.
MS 109-MEDICAL INSURANCE & CODING: 3 credits. Prerequisite: None. Both ICD-9 and CPT coding will be taught as well as Champus, Medicare, Medicaid, Workers' Compensation, and private insurance claims.
MS 112-ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY: 4 credits. Prerequisite: MS 102. This course covers the structure and functions of the 12 body systems.
MS 116-MEDICAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT : 3 credits. Prerequisite: MS 102. This course is designed to help improve the relationship between health care consumers and health care providers. Students will reinforce customer service skills in outpatient settings while learning the art of communication, step-by-step office procedures, and financial management concepts essential in preparing medical office assistants for careers in today’s medical offices.
MS 205-MEDICAL LAB PROCEDURES: 3 credits. Prerequisite: MS 105. This course concentrates on 12-lead electrocardiography; sterile tray setup for minor office surgical procedures; intramuscular, intradermal, and subcutaneous injections. Minimum grade of “C” or better needed to exit this course.
MS 207-PHLEBOTOMY: 1.5 credits. Prerequisite: MS 105. Students will learn to perform venipuncture using the vacutainer, syringe, and capillary methods. Minimum of grade of “C” or better needed to exit this course.
MS 208-DISEASES: 4 credits. Prerequisite: None. The student learns basic information about many common diseases including testing procedures, recognizing signs & symptoms, and prevention.
MS 215-MEDICAL LAB PROCEDURES: 3 credits. Prerequisite: MS 105. Introduction to clinical laboratory, including basic hematology, serology and microbiology. Colon procedures and radiology are also covered. Students will perform common reagent tests, hematocrit, glucometer tests and sedimentation rate as well as physical, chemical and microscopic urinalysis. Minimum grade of “C” or better needed to exit this course.
MS 220-EXTERNSHIP: 8 credits. Prerequisite: All medical classes completed or substantially completed and all clinical classes completed with Director of Education and/or President approval. The students will put all of their learning to the test in a real world setting. The students work 240 hours in a typical medical assistant setting. The externship is required to be completed in the student’s last quarter.
MS 222-NATIONAL EXAM REVIEW: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: MS 102,MS 105,205,215, MS 112, MS 103, MS 207, MS 208. This course prepares the student to take the National Certification Exam for Medical Assistants(NCEMA). The course covers the various subjects by reviewing sample questions and answers.
MS 251-EXTERNSHIP: 4 credits. Prerequisite: All medical classes completed or substantially completed with Registrar and/or President approval. The students will put all their learning to the test in a real world setting. The student must complete a minimum of 120 hours in a typical medical office setting. The externship is required to be completed in the student’s last quarter.
OP 221-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/OFFICE PROCEDURES: 3.5 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course transitions the student from student to employee and concludes with a mock job interview. Work ethics, job search, resume writing, application completion, job interview skills and continuing education are emphasized. Also, provides students with basic training in records management and telephone techniques.OP 236-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course will give the student of massage therapy knowledge of goal setting, planning, entrepreneurship, self and time management, professionalism, massage laws, starting a business, business management, financial management, therapeutic communications, internal and external marketing, and developing a business plan. These are business elements essential to becoming a successful massage therapist.
OP 237-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.2 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course will give the student of massage therapy knowledge of goal setting, planning, entrepreneurship, self and time management, professionalism, massage laws, starting a business, business management, financial management, therapeutic communications, internal and external marketing, and developing a business plan. These are business elements essential to becoming a successful massage therapist.
OR 101-FOUNDATIONS/ORIENTATION 1: 2.1 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course will teach various processes of the massage therapy program to include: orientation/professional development, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and anatomy.OR 201-FOUNDATIONS/ORIENTATION 2: 1.35 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101, MG 111-114, MG 161-164. This course will teach various processes of the massage therapy program to include: trigger point, sports, physiology, kinesiology, medical modalities, and integration therapy.
SM 201-SPORTS MASSAGE - TORSO: 1.0 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This course will teach sequences for sports massage maintenance for the torso of the body. Students will cover common injuries for the torso. Students will also learn stretches for the torso.SM 202-SPORTS MASSAGE – UPPER EXTREMITIES: 1.0 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This course will teach sequences for sports massage maintenance for the upper extremity of the body. Students will cover functional assessment for upper extremity conditions. Students will also learn stretches for the upper extremities.
SM 203-SPORTS MASSAGE – LOWER EXTREMITIES: 1.4 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This course will teach sequences for sports massage maintenance for the lower extremity of the body. Students will cover common injuries for the lower extremities. Students will also learn stretches (including PNF) for the lower extremities.
SM 204-SPORTS MASSAGE – HEAD, FACE, & NECK: .75 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. This course gives an overview on on-site pre-event and post-event massage.
SM 211-KINESIOLOGY – TORSO: .4 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. A thorough organization of joint movements and the muscles involved will be reviewed. Practical work included analyzing activities of daily living and sports movements. Spinal alignment, postural deviations, ‘plumb line’ and correctives will be examined, with variations “tried-on” to understand their impact. Breathing observation and techniques will be shared. Body mechanics relative to the torso will be reviewed.
SM 212-KINESIOLOGY – UPPER EXTREMITIES: .2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. Upper extremity body mechanics, strength and coordination will be thoroughly examined with students participating in movement sequences. Analysis of activities of daily living will reinforce understanding of joint motion and muscle use. Development of individuals’ self care will be emphasized.
SM 213-KINESIOLOGY – LOWER EXTREMITIES: .2 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. Lower extremity body mechanics, strength and coordination will be thoroughly examined with students participating in movement sequences. The emphasis will be on locomotion and weight shift. Analysis of activities of daily living will reinforce understanding of joint motion and muscle use. Students will observe and analyze movements and muscle use in the lower extremity.
SM 214-KINESIOLOGY – HEAD, FACE, & NECK: .4 credits. Prerequisite: OR 101. A thorough organization of joint movements and the muscles involved will be reviewed. The leverage systems of the moving body will be examined and how to gain mechanical advantage. In addition, basic concepts of biomechanics will be defined and applied to body use. Concepts of stability and mobility will be experimented with. Observation of postures, ADL’s and holding patterns will then lead to corrective approaches through body work, stretches and cueing. Guided imagery and relaxation techniques will be introduced.
SP 150-Somatics: 2.4 credits. Prerequisite: None. The course will familiarize the student with the role and language of psychology in the interpersonal /extra-personal, encounter. Students will learn how personality and attitude affect physical and emotional sense of well being. During the course, students will be introduced to the concepts of: motivation, emotion, coping, transference, and counter transference.SP 151-Communications: .9 credits. Prerequisite: None. This course will examine professional standards for communication, assessment and documentation. Students will learn the communication skills necessary for effective listening, speaking, writing and accurately assessing nonverbal messages. These skills will enable students to build positive and authentic professional relationships.
TP 111-KEYBOARDING/ TYPING I: 3 credits. Prerequi¬site: None. This course is designed as an introduction to basic typing skills. It presents the student with the challenges of basic computer skills and mastering the keyboard. Minimum typing speed of 20 words per minute required to exit course.TP 112-KEYBOARDING/TYPING II: 3 credits. Prerequisite: TP 111. This course is designed to continue the development of typing and a working knowledge of document development. It presents the student with challenges of accuracy and speed, letter styles, memorandums and reports. An introduction and/or review of word processing is presented based on the needs of the students. A minimum of 30 words per minute required to exit course. Learn the Skills Employers WANT!!